Saturday, May 31, 2008

Answering your comments

OK this is a little different. I thought I would answer your comments on my last post and use it as a post so here we go.

Brother Russell your are so sweet and yes you could win a pageant a pageant of the heart not that your not beautiful because you are. After all you were made by God and hey he is perfect so he can only make beautiful people right. Sister Lori I know you pray for me and LaShanna all the time God has shown me that and I thank you so much for those prayers. Thank you also for all the wonderful scripture I love it keep it coming. I need it hehehe love you and yours too. To all my other Sisters I love your posts and thank you for all your sweet comments as strange as it may sound I can feel your love for God and your Brethren in your words and that is so sweet also you help me with my walk in the faith with all your comments thanks ladies love to you and your too. I just want to say to all my sweet Sisters and brothers that God has used you to comfort me everyday since I am here in Montana without brethren God has heard my prayers and brought me you guys from all over. I sometimes wonder if I was not here would I be so into blogging as I am now. God has definitely used our blogs to meet each other and to be a comfort to each other and I think that is really really awesome. So ok I am a mushy mush hehehehe gosh I am not sure how to end this post so I will say God bless and Thanks.

P.S. Sister Jackie I am sure if we lived closer our little ones would be friends too. All our little ones are so precious and cute I just love seeing pictures and hearing about them growing up..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

God working on me again!

Well here we go again as you all know I posted awhile back about LaShanna being in a pageant and winning. Than Sister Lori sent me the sweetest comments with scripture. Well I read the scripture and being as hard headed as a mull. I decides I could teach LaShanna our Fathers way and still participate in the ways of the world. Well that is a laugh. I entered her in the state pageant and off to Butte Mt we went with high hopes and God watching. Let me tell you first off the reason I was doing this was the prize money for LaShanna in the future for school or a home or what ever she may need (I should have prayed about that stuff and left it up to God ) I really did believe that I could still teach her good sportsmanship and how to be giving, loving, humble you know all the things we want to teach our little girls so they grow up to love God and be good wife's, mothers etc. Well God had a lesson for me. I will not go into weather she won or not because that is not important. What I will go into is that we entered a world of fake and evil and unhappy people, we entered the world in a big way and I was scared to see how many Mommy's treated there little girls badly and to see how mean they were to them and to see little girls exploited for there beauty and made to feel that they had no worth was more than I bargained for. So I began to pray and God showed me that you can not walk in both places. You have to stay close to him and away from the world. God showed me once again why it is so important to seek the company of your brethren and to attend church and to pray and seek him in all we need big or small. God tried to show me this when he sent Sister Lori to my post last time and she gave me the scripture I needed but I was not faithful and did not head his word. I am so glad he loves me enough to keep teaching me and loves me so much he sends me wonderful Sisters to learn from I feel very blessed to be in the faith and to have the Bible to follow so I know how to live my life. Our Lord is so sweet and loving. So I am here to tell you I wont be doing that again. I have at last learned this lesson. There are so manymore to learn I am glad I have my family in God to learn from and with..............................................

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cheese Cake

LaShanna and I had a great time making this cheese cake just thought we would share a picture or two with you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Can you read me now?

hehehehehehe Can you all read my blog now please let me know thanks

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Visit but to short

OK I know I sound like I am wining but Brother Richard and Sister Saundra where here only 1 night boo hoo but it was great. We had my moms wonderful tacos for dinner and for desert my mom made upside down pineapple cake. Well It is not my favorite so I decided to use Sister Tiffy's Kitchen blog and I made Sister Janet Pelkeys cream cheese cake oh my it was wonderful(Thanks Sister Tiffy) I had never made it and I don't really cook or bake and that is another blog hehehe but I pray and I prayed it would be good for my guests and it was. OK OK I know enough about the food and on to the visit it was so awesome I had been praying about some things in my life and the faith and God gave Brother Richard the words I needed and the scripture too it was so sweet as you can tell from my posts I like to talk so I asked a ton of questions and kinda took up the evening I feel. No one else felt like that as far as I know but I felt kinda of guilty so it was OK with my when I woke up feeling very very tired and stayed home for breakfast. I am sure my mom had a wonderful visit over coffee in the morning with them so it was good all the way around so to end the post my visit was very short but very very sweet and greatly appreciated.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Are you having trouble reading my blog??

Is anyone having trouble reading my blog please let know.. Thank you.

Will post about my visit on Monday tell than God bless to all my sweet sweet brethren.
Love. Sister Charlene

Yahoo company

I am so excited I can hardly type. I am getting to have a visit from Brother Richard and sister Saundra from Idaho and my own Sister Sister Charlotte is coming to stay for a couple weeks yahooo I will post about the sweet visit we will have oh boy mo and I have never had brethren to our homes in Montana and we are so excited for them the get here God bless everyone
Love. Sister Charlene