Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer's Here

We had 83 here today. Wow it was hot. We planted watermelon, Cantaloupe and cucumbers beans and tomato's. I don't have a green thumb so we will see how this goes oh yes and I planted flowers real pretty colored ones nope can't remember what they are oh well at least they will be colorful. So once again my Little one has me doing things I don't normally do lol boy did God know what he was doing when he gave me this little bundle of fun, energy and stubborness to raise God totally knew she was what I needed to continue on and to come to him wow I am still and probably always will be amazed at his greatness and how much he loves me and loves all of us. Sometimes I wonder just how big his heart is it must be bigger than anything a person can imagen. Well there I go I was really going to only tell you all what a great day it was and how much fun it was planting stuff with LaShanna but God filled my heart and it poured out on this post. God Bless and keep all my Sweet Brethren. Love you all


Sis. Lori P. said...

I have a huge day today, after getting back from our trip to California, but I wanted to say good morning and that I love you! I'm so glad you planted all those veggies AND flowers! Your little sweetkins will have so much fun watching it all grow this summer.

Jackie said...

We planted recently too and reading this I really think that LaShanna and Jada would be such good friends. And I was thinking of you renently when my husbands company was bought out because the company that he is a part of now in based in Montana so maybe someday we will visit!!!

Charlene said...

Thanks Sister Lori are you going to the singing? I hope so I mis ou so much..

Charlene said...

Oh yes Sister Jackie I agree our girls would be great friends too. I willbe here waiting for your visit unless God sees fit to change it and I move.