Friday, March 6, 2009

Love Dare

If anyone gets a chance to see the movie Fire Proof you should do it. I did and it changed my life. I will not go into detail on my marriage but will say that I was so unhappy I prayed daily to God to save me and he did he sent the tools I needed to follow his word and become the wife, friend, daughter, and child of God he wants to me to be. I can not begin to tell you the difference in my self and my family life and I am on day 13 only I am so excited to finish and see what great things God has in store for my marriage. As I read the book I follow the Bible. I have learned more about myself and my walk with God in 13 days than I have in 3 years. Being here in Montana is a blessing to me now. It has allowed me to become closer to God than I thought possible. I now know what in Gods timing means and am able to endure my separation from my Brethren with a happier heart I feel like God wants my marriage to be on firm ground before he will allow me to move. I feel like he knew that I would not have worked as hard on my marriage had I moved before my sweet marriage was saved. God really really dose know what is best for us. I have realized that I was not the woman God wanted me to be and that for my husband to truly see God as the way I need to be all that God wants me to be at that time I feel in my heart that God will call my husband and he will follow Gods will and come to God with open arms. I know this is really long and I am not usually this somber but the past 13 days have been one of the most eye opening times in my life. I just want to tell people that God will help. I feel in my heart like God sent us this movie and the Love Dare book as a tool along with the Bible and his word to help in a time when marriages are failing and the devil is using this to tear apart our families and our brethren families so if you know someone who is struggling Please pray and than spend the money and buy them the book and the movie it may just mean saving a brother or sisters marriage. I know that is just what I am doing. After much prayer I chose someone not in the church to do this for I felt moved by God to choose this couple. I give all glory to God and the tools he sent for me to use. I am so excited to see what happens in my marriage at the end of 40 days. God is good and he will provide you with what you need. I want to make it very clear that I know only with God will this work and I give all glory to God and his love for me......


pandama said...

i just wanted to share something sweet abby said with you and lashanna. So abby & I were watching a movie together about these two young sisters and I looked at her and asked her if she ever wanted a sister and she looked at me and said silly mommy i have a sister and i asked who are you talking about and she said it's lashanna. ahhhhh love u guys ssooooo thankful god is helping you with you marriage. He can make a perfect heart.

Sis. Lori P. said...

Actually, the movie Fireproof is next on my Netflix queue! And I tried to get to the bookstore before we went on our little 28th Anniversary trip, but circumstances kept me home. I'm glad to hear that you recommend the movie and the book and I'm very glad that it's wrought a good thing in your life! Love what Miss Mandy says at the end of her comment... He can make a perfect heart!

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

I'll have to check those things out. I'm glad that God is making a difference in your life and marriage.