Lilyanna was born on April 23rd 6:41pm 7pounds 70oz 19 inches long and healthy birthmom is healthy all is well.
We are leaving today after John gets off work we should have Lilyanna by Thursday evening I am so excited to hold and nurse her and bond with her at this point I don't even know what she looks like.
I will post pictures as soon as I can
Well we found out that the Birth mother made a huge mistake and was not induced on April 2nd. I have to say I have not been pumping like I should the stress of the wait and all I just stopped I will however Nurse Lilyanna with the SNS and start my drops back up today. I am so excited Lilyanna should be born any time now. We are a day past her due date I am getting more excited as the time goes on I can't wait to hold her in my arms and see her for the first time I will post pictures.
I made Lilyanna's Bassinet cover today I have the car seat canopy done and my nursing cover done
all we need now is Lilyanna