Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Family Member

Well I have to say I just love animals and now I have a new family member I would like you all to meet Charity she is 7 weeks old and will stay 5lb or less and about 12 inches tall maybe 14

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty

My wonderful kitty Faith at nap time and than time for tea

Home Schooling

Well I must say I love to home school so dose LaShanna it is just a joy to see her light up when she gets it. I can not believe I missed that with my boys. Reading her the Bible is so awesome. We have started at the beginning and she loves it. I will have to post pictures of her work I am now praying that there is some way I can stay home even more so I can spend more time schooling her. We do 2 hours in the morning now I think that it is enough for actual class work but she always wants more so 3 hours would be good for her we could do more arts and music well will post again soon God Bless my Sisters love Charlene
PS thanks for the help with my blog....:)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I need help please

I need to change my blog and I was wondering how I do this and save all the stuff on my blog so I do not have to start over help please